Dickson County Sheriff's Office
Service Before Self

140 County Jail Drive Charlotte, TN 37036
Administrative Office:(615) 789-4130
Jail:(615) 789-4109
Jr Sheriff’s Academy -a grant funded summer camp we host one week in the summer for 20 middle school students here at the sheriff’s office. Each day the students get hands on experiences with the different divisions within our department and learn what it takes to be a sheriff’s deputy here in Dickson County. The camp is mirrored after our Sheriff’s Citizens Academy for adults and has proven to be very popular each year. If you have a middle school student that would be interested in camp next year, please contact Lt. Jennifer Caruthers via email-jcaruthers@dicksoncosheriff.gov.
Sheriff's Citizens Academy- this class is offered every spring at our office for Dickson County residents. The class is 10 weeks long and meets every Thursday night 6-9pm. Participants will be introduced to our different divisions each week, including a range day, and see how each of our divisions collaborate and make our office better able to serve our county citizens. If interested please contact Lt. Jennifer Caruthers via email- jcaruthers@dicksoncosheriff.gov.
Toy Patrol- every Christmas our department, with the help of many citizens, host "Toy Patrol" for elementary school kids from our county. The kids are able to meet Santa and pick out a new coat, gloves, hat, and a few toys to help make their season brighter! This year is our 8th Annual Toy Drive. If you wish to donate a new, unwrapped toy, or make a monetary donation, stop by our office located at 140 County Jail Drive, or contact Lt. Jennifer Caruthers at jcaruthers@dicksoncosheriff.gov.