Dickson County Sheriff's Office
Service Before Self

140 County Jail Drive Charlotte, TN 37036
Administrative Office:(615) 789-4130
Jail:(615) 789-4109
Information for Attorneys
Inmates and attorneys may communicate via telephone communications, uncensored correspondence “legal mail” addressed to the inmate and from the attorney's office, emails by way of the kiosk, and scheduled virtual visits with attorneys or authorized representatives so long as they do not pose a security risk to the facility. Combined Public Communication (CPC)(859) 547-5460 is the 3rd party vendor for this service.
Attorneys must make non-in-person (telephone or video in the housing area) visits through CPC. There is a charge for this service with CPC.
In-person visits (no charge) can be scheduled by calling 615-789-4109 and speaking with the receptionist during business hours if 8-6, M-F excluding holidays. Requests from inmates to call the attorney (submitted through the TBE kiosk) will be handled as time permits while not interfering with the operations of the jail (headcount, chow med pass, etc).
Inmate counsel or representatives must obtain prior approval from the Security Officer, Captain of Operations, or Chief Jailer before cell phones or computers are allowed in the facility. This jail has a law library; it can be located on the kiosk.