Dickson County Sheriff's Office
Service Before Self

140 County Jail Drive Charlotte, TN 37036
Administrative Office:(615) 789-4130
Jail:(615) 789-4109
Patrol Division
The Patrol Division is under the supervision of Captain ScottLevasseur. The division consists of 4 shifts that work 12-hour shifts, which allows for more deputies to be on the road during each shift. There are 38 patrol deputies including K-9, Motorcycle Unit, Drug Task Force, and Animal Control.

Captain Scott Levasseur
(615) 740-4889
Captain Levasseur has served the sheriff’s office since 1998. During that time he served as a patrol deputy, patrol corporal, patrol sergeant, detective, and lieutenant. He was deputized as a US Marshal and served on the FBI cybercrime task force for 6 years. He also spent over 10 years as a sworn District Attorney’s Investigator for the 23rd District investigating internet crimes against children. He was recognized in 2014 and 2015 by the United States Attorney of the Middle District of Tennessee with the “Excellence in Law Enforcement” award. Captain Levasseur has also previously served on the SORT and Crisis Negotiations Teams; and Internal Affairs Investigator. He also serves as the Accreditation Manager for the Sheriff’s Office.
Lieutenant James Bledsoe

B1Sergeant Chris Lashlee
A1 Sergeant Kyle Mutter

A2 Sergeant Michael Mealer
B2 Sergeant Derek Smith